OMG this is so cool!
Though it's gonna take forever to find everyone o_O
Hmm I'll use the Justice acct (which is also changed to HSF cause I remember once the regular HSF acct wouldn't work so I had to change the Justice one to HSF XDDD) Me and you are the only contacts on that one so it's easier, cause the normal HSF one has too many contacts lolll.
I'm in:P
We should make a specific limit thing, like for example everyone ask 5 Qs. Cause it's unfair if someone asks 1 Q and expects us to find them versus someone asking like 4 and also expecting us to find them. There should be a specific number of Qs we should ask so it's even/the difficulty level is the same.
Ehh fine Tae, but your name doesn't really apply at this moment, since you're backing out:P
Lol I'm kidding XD
Kay hereeee's the account you guys will have to find for me
Heeeyy B, and byeee Tae.
Either way is fine for me, I understand the game so yea XD
Yeah np it's fine:P I have to remove you too temporarily:S
Tell me when we're starting btw.:)
Yeaaaa Anthony come play too:)
LOL a math problem XD
Aww ok Anthony:(
LMAOO Bree XDD Grandma Pearl. Lolll one of you guys should make one called Grandpa Pearl XDD
BREEEE you can be my grandma that I bought a cane for!
Kevin just answer here on your acct.