Absolutely not.
Put concisely, it's horrible. While it is becoming more common, the list of reasons why it is bad are endless.
There's no such thing as safe sex.
You can get each other permanently sick.
The girl can get pregnant and most people shy of true adulthood don't understand how serious that is.
It's not "free".
You'll destroy the relationship with your parents most likely.
You'll get in deep trouble with your school.
It will possibly ruin your life.
And girls are not always fully developed by that age so it can cause severe health risks for her.
Besides, most peers will not praise the behavior either unless they're oblivious morons, and the girl of the pair usually ends up getting insulted for the rest of their stay in the area of the city.
It goes on.
Some kids that age believe it's normal just because it's becoming more of a "trend". It's like saying drugs are normal just because some highschoolers do them. No. It's unnatural and abnormal at its finest.